Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Seattle Summer

Many of you seem to think that it rains in Seattle all the time. I will give you that it does for most of the winter; however, we have some of the most beautiful summer days. This last weekend was gorgeous. We went out with some friends from college to play on Puget Sound and Commencement Bay for a few hours. It was great to hang out and relax with friends and enjoy our beautiful areas.

Sierra was thrilled to be out on the water. She kept informing us that she wanted to go swimming. Chris finally humored her, by dipping her in the water. (Literally holding onto the back of her life jacket and lowering her into the water.) Keep in mind, that the Sound never really warms up. The look on her face when she hit the water was priceless. She came out of the water saying, "Mommy, mommy, mommy!! Water chilly, chilly, chilly!" However, 30 minutes later, she was asking to go back it.

1 comment:

Tia Tobi said...

WOW those are some WHITE people on that boat! I mean, I know I am white but I am not WHITE! Although it does rain a lot-when it is nice it is NICE!!I wish I was there!